Black Truffle in Tomato Sauce
SKU: 0607052526900
A delicious combination of tomato and black truffle in the form of a delicate sauce. This makes the perfect addition to a tomato based sauce to give it a decadent touch. We love this in pasta sauces, particularly with gnocchi. It's also lovely as a bruschetta topper.
Product Information
Please note that this product can be used in variety of different ways - the above is merely a suggestion to tickle your taste buds!
- Ingredients: tomato (93%), black truffles (1%), sunflower oil, salt, sugar, truffle aroma, oregano, basil
- Once opened, this product should be stored in the fridge and consumed within 7 days.
- net weight 80 grams
- price includes VAT
Ingredients / Ingredienten / Zutaten
EN Tomato (93%), black truffles (1%), sunflower oil, salt, sugar, truffle aroma, oregano, basil NL/BE Tomaat (93%), zwarte truffel (1%), zonnenbloemolie, zout, suiker, truffel aroma, oregano, basilicum FR/BE Tomate (93%), truffe noire (1%), huile de tournesol, sel, sukre, arôme de truffe, origan, basilic DE
Tomaten (93%), schwarze Trüffel (1%), Sonnenblumenöl, Salz, Zucker, Trüffelaroma, Oregano, Basilikum